Trip Tracker
Trip Tracker
provides Grand Aire’s customers private access with up to the minute
information regarding their trip. All that’s needed is a computer
and an internet connection. The Trip Tracker provides customers with
all of the trip details including routing, load manifest, pickup and
delivery locations, etc. A graphical flight following display is a
unique feature that allows tracking the aircraft as it moves to the
destination. Trip Tracker also incorporates several other features
to help the user monitor the situation through full access to the
trip’s communication log as well as the ability to send messages
directly to the Grand Aire Charter Operations Team. As an internally
developed application, our software team encourages customer input
and has made many changes to suit our customers’ needs.
Just call 800-70-GRAND and
ask your Customer Service Agent to set up your Trip Tracker account
and get
on-line today!
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